9-1-1: Lone Star Can’t End Without Bringing Back Its 3-Time Disaster Couple

Before 9-1-1: Lone Star signs off for good, the first responder procedural needs to bring back two background characters from some of the 126’s most ridiculous rescues. Although 9-1-1: Lone Star’s final tragedy will be high-drama and threaten the entire world, there’s still time to squeeze in one last silly emergency. For a bit of much-needed comic relief, there are no better culprits to turn to than Brianna (McKaley Miller) and her cowardly boyfriend, Caleb (Sean H. Scully).
9-1-1: Lone Star’s cancelation, unfortunately, means that the last episode of season 5 will serve not only as a season finale, but as an overall series finale. Time is running out for final cameos, appearances, and guest stars, but some characters are too iconic to be forgotten. The main characters may be wrapping up their final storylines, but there are tons of minor characters that should get closure in the 9-1-1: Lone Star finale. None deserve one last 9-1-1 call as much as the disaster couple: Caleb and Bri.
Caleb & Bri Are Repeat 9-1-1: Lone Star Callers Who Appeared In Multiple Seasons
Bri first calls for help in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 1, episode 4 (“Act of God”). Amidst the panic of the tornado sweeping the state, Caleb locked himself in his parents’ gun safe and left Bri to her own devices. After realizing they didn’t know the combination, Bri called 9-1-1 to help crack the safe and free her boyfriend before he ran out of air. This call took place long before Jackson Pace’s Wyatt Harris took over the dispatcher role in 9-1-1: Lone Star and original dispatcher Sierra McClain’s Grace Ryder fervently encouraged Bri to dump her boyfriend.
Bri failed to heed her warning and, in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 3, episode 6 (“The ATX-Files”), Caleb proved nothing had changed. The pair see luminescent blue people and, believing they were aliens, Caleb abandons Bri to be abducted before getting caught in a barbed fence. They somehow reconcile until season 4, episode 1 (“The New Hotness”), when Bri tries to discuss their relationship at the county fair. Caleb excuses himself, only for the portable restroom he was locked in to get sucked up into the air and dropped into the dunk tank. Both Caleb and their relationship miraculously survive.
9-1-1: Lone Star Should Give Caleb & Bri A Definitive Ending
While there’s a laundry list of characters who need to return before 9-1-1: Lone Star ends, Caleb and Bri may have wrongly gone unnoticed for many. Aside from the hilarious circumstances surrounding every emergency they’re entangled in, their relationship is a hidden subplot of the show that hasn’t gotten a definitive resolution. If they were to return in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 5, the Fox drama could finally give the couple the ending they deserve.
The Ryan Murphy show could lean into its camp factor and have Caleb become trapped one final time, perhaps while he’s proposing. Since Bri has ignored every red flag in the past, she’d likely say yes as soon as the 126 frees him. On the other hand, there’s always a chance one final rescue could be her final straw, and Bri could dump Caleb to fulfill Grace’s season 1 wish. The 9-1-1: Lone Star finale may be busy saving the world from an asteroid strike, but Caleb and Bri need one final appearance to conclude their 5-year story.