9-1-1’s Best Argument To Make Eddie & Buck Happens Is Oddly, Lone Star’s Cancelation

9-1-1 is known for its talented ensemble, but two of its main characters should take a page out of its successor’s book now that 9-1-1: Lone Star is over. The Texas-based spinoff, which premiered in 2020, featured an entirely new ensemble cast to create convoluted relationship dynamics between them. While the friendships and family ties were comparable to the original, 9-1-1: Lone Star had an office romance that set it apart from the original series between Mateo Chavez (Julian Works) and Nancy Gillian (Brianna Baker).
9-1-1: Lone Star’s unfortunate cancelation gave its characters the truncated season 5 to wrap up their final storylines, but Mateo and Nancy got the happy ending they deserved. Now that their love story has concluded, 9-1-1 should consider taking up the mantle with its main friendship between Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz (Ryan Guzman) and Evan “Buck” Buckley (Oliver Stark). 9-1-1 season 9, while still unconfirmed, is extremely likely given the ABC procedural’s popularity, meaning the transition from friends to lovers could happen organically. If 9-1-1 opts to take the office romance route, I’d argue they’ve laid the proper groundwork already.
9-1-1: Lone Star Showed How Compelling A Workplace Romance Is
From the moment they got together in 9-1-1: Lone Star season 2, Mateo and Nancy had a captivating romance. By the end of the series, they had definitely earned their spot among the 9-1-1 franchise’s best couples, but their journey was less than perfect (which made it so much better). Nancy and Mateo both working at the 126 firehouse was an inherent source of tension, primarily because he was hesitant to commit to their relationship and tell their coworkers. They were also constantly worrying about the other’s safety during 9-1-1: Lone Star’s intense rescues.
While Nancy and Mateo’s storyline in 9-1-1: Lone Star was interesting, they barely skimmed the surface of the endless potential a work romance could have in the 9-1-1 universe. If the original series were to explore a workplace romance, 9-1-1’s near-death experiences could take on higher stakes, with coworkers balancing their duties and their personal conflicts. Additionally, Captain Bobby Nash’s (Peter Krause) adherence to protocol could offer an interesting obstacle involving the 118’s HR department. 9-1-1 could have a workplace romance that goes deeper than Lone Star’s, even if the spinoff set the example.
9-1-1’s Best Shot At A Workplace Romance Is With Buck & Eddie
If 9-1-1 wants a believable workplace romance, there’s only one real option: Buck and Eddie. From the moment Eddie joined the 9-1-1 cast in season 2, I saw the obvious potential for him and Buck to have a slow-burn romance. Stark and Guzman have undeniable chemistry in their scenes together, which helped spark a nearly 7-year discussion surrounding a possible Buck and Eddie romance in 9-1-1. While there are some arguments against the pairing (ranging from acceptable critiques to blatant homophobia), Buck and Eddie have one of the most intimate connections in 9-1-1 already. Dating would be a natural progression.
9-1-1 needs to explore Buck’s bisexuality more than it has since he came out in season 7, and if the romantic subtext between him and Eddie was intentional, a workplace romance would kill two birds with one stone. Yes, Buck and Eddie could remain strictly platonic friends, but there is something that undeniably runs deeper. I’d argue there would be little to no opposition to their relationship turning romantic if either was a woman, but a Buck and Eddie romance would be all the more powerful and continue the procedural’s diverse representation if 9-1-1 is brave enough to pursue it.
What Are The Chances Of Buck & Eddie Becoming A Couple Happening
While 9-1-1 has already given Buck and Eddie emotional arcs that deepened their bond— including Eddie adding Buck to his will to be his son’s legal guardian— that’s not to say the procedural can’t go further. Some may think 9-1-1 season 8 proved Buck and Eddie can’t be together, but “Confessions” only further convinced me “Buddie” (Buck and Eddie) could become real. Eddie may have told the pastor he’s straight, but the entire episode was about him lying to himself and starting to realize harsh truths. In context, 9-1-1 could easily be setting Eddie up for a repressed sexuality storyline.
Furthermore, Oliver Stark implied Buck’s feelings for Eddie in 9-1-1 could be recontextualized, admitting he “was actually surprised by the extent to which it’s going to be explored.” Whether the Ryan Murphy drama is teasing an unrequited love storyline or something else entirely, it’s clear that there’s more to Buck and Eddie’s 9-1-1 relationship than has been explicitly stated thus far. 9-1-1 has the perfect pair in Buck and Eddie, but they’ll remain a key aspect of the procedural regardless of whether they become romantically involved.