Good Omens

Uh Oh, David Tennant’s Promise for Crowley’s ‘Good Omens’ Ending Has Me Worried

Is ‘Good Omens’ going to leave us heartbroken? Probably.

We’re still a ways away from the release of Good Omens season 3, which will also serve as the finale. But even though we have to wait literal years to see our fave angel-demon duo reunite, David Tennant just offered an update on the fate of Crowley—and here’s why I’m worried about it.

Full transparency: I’ve never read Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens. Yes, for years, I lived my life blissfully unaware of the century-spanning relationship between the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (Tennant), both outcasts in their own right. That is, however, until the first season of Good Omens debuted on Prime Video back in May 2019. Intrigued by the premise of witches and gay immortals, I decided to give it a watch. By episode 2, I was hooked, and this irreverent religious satire I once knew nothing about quickly became one of my top TV shows of the year.

Since then, Good Omens has been renewed for an additional season, which hit the streaming platform in 2023. Was it as sharp as season 1? Absolutely not. But it was still a fun romp through the decades, continuing the series’ overarching theme of not letting your designated role in the world define you. While it wasn’t nearly as focused on themes of God, Heaven, Hell, and the end times as its predecessor, instead choosing to go the slow-burn love story route, Good Omens season 2 left viewers on a massive cliffhanger. In the closing moments of the finale, Aziraphale abandons his post on Earth to become the Supreme Archangel, leaving Crowley heartbroken and grappling for answers. So where do we go from here?

Good Omens season 3 spells trouble for Crowley … or so we think

The “Ineffable Husbands” are canon. Aziraphale is now the top dog of Heaven. Crowley is alone on Earth. (Alexa, play ‘Love of My Life’ by Queen.) Sadly, we’re going to have to wait awhile to see this setup pay off, as there’s currently no official release window for Good Omens season 3. Apparently, the final batch of episodes is slated to begin production in January 2025, but this is no indication of when we’ll actually see it premiere on Prime Video. Plus, the last two installments of Good Omens have gone off-script, as there is no written source material beyond season 1, so we have—literally—nothing to go off of here.

Until then, David Tennant is making his rounds on the convention circuit, where he recently offered Good Omens fans an exciting update at Florida Supercon 2024. During a spotlight panel, the actor told Popverse that he knows exactly how Crowley’s story will end in season 3, though he remained pretty tightlipped about the whole thing. When asked about it, Tennant spilled, “I know where it’s going, and I defy anyone not to think that it’s the perfect ending. I’m not giving very much away with that. I’m not saying whether that’s good, bad, or indifferent, but it’s definitely perfect.”

“Definitely perfect” might be exactly what you’d want to hear about the fate of one of your favorite TV characters, but alas, Tennant’s comments have me worried about what direction the showrunners are taking Crowley in. Does he get a happily ever after? Will he make amends with his angelic BF? And most pressingly, will he even make it out of season 3 alive? It’s hard to say. But Tennant’s vague remarks about Crowley’s fate imply that his “perfect” ending could also be, well, perfectly tragic.

How will Crowley’s story end?

Good Omens isn’t without its angst, but season 3 could really dial the pain of Crowley and Aziraphale’s doomed romance up to 11. Even if the Ineffable Husbands do manage to work out their differences, odds are they’re going to have to face off against the Metatron (Derek Jacobi), a.k.a. the face of god. Season 2 made the Metatron out to be a villain, and he clearly has a disdain for Crowley. We know that angels and demons can die, so if Crowley’s and Aziraphale’s love gets in the way of his heavenly plans, then the Metatron could be a force to be reckoned with.

Even if he doesn’t wither away by the end of Good Omens season 3, the show could also explain Crowley’s murky past through flashbacks. There’s a popular theory that Crowley, a fallen angel, is actually Raphael, who’s often viewed as a symbol of love and marriage. We all know that Crowley is a bit of a sap, and even tries to get Nina (Nina Sosanya) and Maggie (Maggie Service) to fall in love by forcing them together under an overhang during a rainstorm. He’s a hopeless romantic, as we’ve seen in his interactions with Aziraphale. However, some fans believe Aziraphale was the one responsible for casting Crowley from Heaven in the first place, meaning we could see the pair’s relationship being tested even further.

Neil Gaiman also added fuel to the rumor fire on Tumblr when he confirmed a very intentional detail behind Crowley’s final moments in Good Omens season 2. If you remember, Crowley’s eye color dramatically changes during his confrontation (and eventual kiss) with Aziraphale, suggesting that he might not be the demon we think he is anymore. Season 3 could see him make the bold decision to turn human, or may see him giving up his devilish ways for Aziraphale’s sake.

Look, David Tennant has promised shippers that we can expect to see a whole lot more Aziraphale/Crowley romance in season 3, so I’ll hold out hope that these two will receive a similar fate to Gabriel (Jon Hamm) and Beelzebub (Shelley Conn). Is Alpha Centauri in the cards for Crowley and Aziraphale? Does Aziraphale have regrets? Will someone have to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Earth? Your guess is as good as any, but after Tennant’s recent comments, I’m terrified for what’s to come.

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