Law & Order

Meloni’s Stabler & Benson Tease Can Cheapen Hargitay’s Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Poignant Finale

Christopher Meloni’s recent comments promising a reunion for Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler cheapens a poignant moment in Law & Order: SVU’s season 25 finale. Some of the all-time best episodes of Law & Order: SVU involved Benson and Stabler as partners in the early 2000s. Although there were some issues with Stabler’s wife, Kathy, being jealous of Benson, the pair maintained a platonic relationship throughout their time working together at the Manhattan SVU. However, this changed when Stabler returned in 2021 to the franchise via Law & Order: Organized Crime, and Kathy was quickly killed off.

Stabler and Benson have been caught in an endless will-they-won’t-they loop since Kathy’s death. NBC and Wolf Entertainment have used such gimmicks as a letter Stabler wrote that was often referred to on-air without its contents being revealed until Law & Order: Organized Crime season 2 just to keep people interested. Hope for Stabler and Benson’s future on Law & Order: SVU persisted, but a scene at the end of the season 25 finale hinted that it was likely dead until Meloni’s recent comments suggested otherwise.

Law & Order: SVU Season 25 Finale Paused Stabler & Benson Romance Arc

Stabler gifted Benson a compass necklace after a crossover between Law & Order: SVU and Law & Order: Organized Crime. This gift appeared to be the beginning of a romance, as he gave it to her before departing on an undercover assignment. However, Law & Order: SVU season 25 mostly ignored the relationship between Benson and Stabler, except for mentioning the necklace several times.

Instead, Law & Order: SVU season 25 focused on the Maddie Flynn abduction case, with Benson appearing to become obsessed with finding the missing girl. She did not turn to Stabler for help even though he was investigating a fentanyl ring, and she believed that Maddie had been taken by a trafficker who may be connected to the criminal organization. This threw cold water on the relationship, but the final nail in the coffin came at the end of the season when Benson lent the compass necklace to Maddie’s mother, as she healed from the harrowing experience.

Mrs. Flynn was having a hard time relating to her daughter, so Benson gave her the necklace as a symbol of hope. Stabler co-signed this idea after the fact through a brief phone call, which ended up being Law & Order: SVU season 25’s final scene. His quick acceptance of Benson giving away his gift seemed to suggest that the writers were at least putting a pause to the romantic narrative, despite the pair’s clear feelings for each other. This hinted that the pair would not rush into any judgment about the status of their relationship.

Stabler & Benson’s Organized Crime Season 5 Reunion Forces NBC To Restart Their Story

However, now Meloni has revealed that the second episode of Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5 will feature Benson. Benson and Stabler’s reunion will be awkward, to say the least. Their relationship has had so many moments that could have moved their relationship forward, starting with their almost-kiss in Law & Order: SVU season 24. Since then, their interactions have been strictly limited to short phone conversations. Because of how busy their respective jobs have been, they haven’t been there for each other the way they were during their time as partners.

Facing each other after all this time will force NBC to move their romantic story forward, despite the Law & Order: SVU season 25 finale setting up a break.

As exciting as it is to see them finally reunited, getting together will likely require Benson and Stabler to press the reset button yet again on their relationship. Facing each other after all this time will force NBC to move their romantic story forward, despite the Law & Order: SVU season 25 finale setting up a break. Considering their current set-up, organically stretching out this limbo period may be the best way to keep viewers hooked. Sadly, that can no longer be done because of their impending reunion.

Should Benson & Stabler Finally Get Together In Law & Order?

It would be difficult to pull off a Benson-Stabler relationship logistically, considering the characters are on two different shows. Meloni also indicated in his comments that at this point, he “can’t speak to” whether Stabler will visit Law & Order: SVU, so if the couple were to get together now, their relationship would be off-screen for the most part. This would not be satisfying, although it would be a step above the constant back-and-forth about whether Benson and Stabler should get together.

There is little point to Benson and Stabler getting together on Law & Order: SVU and Law & Order: Organized Crime if the franchise is going to go back to ignoring them after they finally make that decision. Thus, it would be better for their relationship to remain platonic until there is a plan to feature them more heavily

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