Bridgerton Season 4 Update Comes Close To Confirming A Huge Fear About Daphne & Benedict After Season 3’s Disappointment

Following a recent interview with actress Phoebe Dynevor, a disappointing truth about Bridgerton season 4 has all but been confirmed. First released in 2020, Bridgerton has quickly become one of Netflix’s most valued entities. The historical romance series has run for three seasons so far, and based on its source material (books by Julia Quinn), the series should continue for another four or five. At the moment, Bridgerton season 4 has been confirmed and is currently filming, which is thoroughly exciting for dedicated viewers. Yet, not everything about Bridgerton is picture perfect.
One complaint that has come out of Bridgerton is that its original main character, Daphne Bridgerton, has all but disappeared from the series. After leading the show in season 1, then playing a significantly smaller role in Bridgerton season 2, she did not reappear the following season, and it seems like it will stay that way. In an interview with Screen Rant, Dynevor said, “But do I plan to revisit Daphne? Yeah, if they want me back. I haven’t got the call yet, but I’m available.” This candid revelation implies that one of Bridgerton’s worst failures will continue indefinitely.
Bridgerton Season 3’s Worst Daphne Mistake Was Her Missing Colin & Francesca’s Weddings
Daphne’s minor role in Bridgerton season 2 was disappointing, but did not feel like the end of the world. However, Daphne’s complete disappearance in Bridgerton season 3 was so much worse. The main issue audiences had was that Daphne missed not one but two of her siblings’ weddings. Both Colin and Francesca married in Bridgerton season 3, and inexplicably, Daphne was not present, even though the rest of her siblings were. Even worse, Bridgerton didn’t even try to provide an explanation. Daphne simply vanished without a trace. This did not bode well even for the most dedicated Bridgerton fan.
The implication of Daphne’s absence is that she is off starting her family with the Duke of Hastings. This could make sense theoretically, but Anthony and Kate both appeared in Bridgerton season 3, and they were struggling with their own familial issues. Furthermore, it simply isn’t in Daphne’s character to miss her siblings’ weddings. Of all the Bridgerton siblings, Daphne is the most in tune with the traditions of the ton, and she is also the most romantic. Therefore, she would never miss her younger siblings’ weddings, especially not if she could offer them some much-needed advice.
Daphne Missing Benedict’s Wedding Makes The Problem So Much Worse
Now, considering Dynevor’s statements about not hearing from the Bridgerton team, one can assume that the actress will not appear in Bridgerton season 4. As a result, Daphne will miss yet another one of her siblings’ weddings, this time Benedict. Unfortunately, this makes the problem so much worse. Daphne’s absence in season 3 was heartbreaking, and there’s no doubt the same feeling will pervade season 4 as well. Ultimately, with every major Bridgerton family event that Daphne misses without a solid explanation, the more permanent this problem will become until it is completely unfixable.
The biggest issue that Bridgerton has set up for itself is explanations, or rather, a lack thereof. Bridgerton never openly explained why Daphne was gone in Bridgerton season 3, and though audiences could make assumptions, the complete omission of Daphne was a bit strange. Now, Bridgerton has to stick with this uncomfortable decision for consistency’s sake. Therefore, if the show ever did want to bring Daphne back, they would have a lot of explaining to do. Even worse, there are few excuses that could realistically explain how Daphne coincidentally missed three of her siblings’ weddings.
Phoebe Dynevor’s Update Shows Bridgerton Can & Should Bring Daphne Back
The real kicker of this situation is that Bridgerton does not have to carry on without Daphne. Dynevor’s comments are pretty clear in that the actress would be willing to come back. Notably, in previous interviews, Dynevor definitely seemed like she wanted to leave Daphne behind, citing that her story was finished. However, Dynevor’s change of heart is a good thing that Bridgerton should capitalize on. If the actress is willing to return, it would be easy to write her back in. Her role doesn’t even have to be huge. Like Anthony, she can bring another plotline to the mix.
One of the best explanations would be that Daphne was pregnant or ill.
Bridgerton season 4 would be the best time to see Daphne’s return. If she manages to make it to Benedict’s wedding, Bridgerton could easily find a solid excuse for her absence last season. One of the best explanations would be that Daphne was pregnant or ill. Then, it would make sense that she couldn’t make the journey to Mayfair, or even write her family. She could show her disappointment, but with a few quick conversations, the issue could be settled. Of course, this isn’t very likely considering Dynevor’s comments, but it shows that Bridgerton isn’t entirely out of options yet.
Bridgerton’s Sibling Problem Is Only Going To Keep Getting Worse
Unfortunately, Bridgerton’s Daphne problem isn’t entirely contained. In general, it seems like the show will continue struggling to give its married characters interesting plotlines. When it comes to the romance genre in general, audiences are far more invested in the chase than the trials and tribulations of a married couple. Therefore, characters like Daphne, Anthony, and now Colin will have a hard time remaining relevant to the show. The best way to fix this is for Bridgerton to shift its focus, at least when it comes to its characters who have already had their happily ever after.
The best way to handle Bridgerton’s married couples is to focus not on their romance, but on them as people. Seeing these couples get together was thrilling, but now audiences do not want to see them fight or even be happily in love. What makes these characters truly captivating is who they are and how they interact with others. In this way, Bridgerton season 4 should not focus on Colin and Penelope building a family, but something else that has more to do with them as people. Either way, Bridgerton has some serious work to do in the coming years.