Grey's Anatomy

5 Grey’s Anatomy Characters Fans Would Bring Back Without A Doubt

Maybe Shondaland needs to consider going full soap just to make it possible.

The only thing that currently holds Grey’s Anatomy from being considered a soap opera is that there is no one who’s been brought back from the dead. With such a lengthy history, the show has lost a lot of great characters, and many viewers wouldn’t mind for them to be back — even if that means Grey’s would have to compete with General Hospital now.

Here are five characters that Shonda Rhimes needs to consider bringing back to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, no matter how unrealistic that would be.

Doc the Dog

Of course, the dog should’ve made the list. There’s nothing more sad than to see an animal that was once such a sweet touch to the series to be gone. Come on, Grey’s Anatomy, you need to do better than this and keep the pupper around at all costs!

Andrew DeLuca

There were many unfair deaths throughout Grey’s Anatomy, but DeLuca’s hit hard not only the viewers but also the other characters, and his sister Carina as well. Many think the death was very rushed and felt just twice as bad because the character tried to do the right thing all along.

Henry Burton

This character could’ve been our savior from the relationship between Teddy and Owen that took a lot of life out of every viewer. Like a kindergartener, Owen was interested in Teddy for just as long as no one else was interested in her, and staying with Henry could have saved her a lot of love troubles.

Derek Shepherd

Meredith Grey has been through a lot in Grey’s Anatomy, but no other tragedy can compare to losing Derek. If there is one character that should’ve been there for her until the very end, it’s him. Without Derek, the show got much more dull and many viewers left, so bringing him back would mean the whole Grey’s Anatomy revival.

Mark Sloan (and Lexie Grey, as a bonus)

Of course, if you are to include Mark Sloan in any list, you need to include Lexie as well. It’s just not fair that their story ended so abruptly right in the moment where they felt content in their relationship. Without Mark, the series lost a huge part of its lighthearted humor that it never managed to gain back.


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