Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai Quietly Spoils That A Major Dojo Betrayal Will Be Forgiven In Season 6

A detail regarding Cobra Kai season 6 quietly confirms that a major betrayal in the dojo war will soon be forgiven. Thanks to the release of the Cobra Kai season 6 trailer and a slew of official photos, The Karate Kid sequel series has provided an intriguing glimpse at the show’s final chapter. From the looks of things, Johnny and Daniel’s dojo will go through a significant transformation after Cobra Kai season 5’s ending.

The number of unfamiliar faces in the photos indicates that Johnny and Daniel are about to get an influx of new students ahead of the Sekai Taikai tournament. But rather than just pack the dojo with new players in the dojo war, it seems Johnny, Daniel, Chozen, will also bring in some of their enemies, namely Kenny and possibly Kyler. And while one of the Cobra Kai season 6 characters featured in the photos isn’t exactly a new member of the dojo, his involvement does offer a spoiler about his future, which was left uncertain by the season 5 finale.

Mitch Will Rejoin Johnny & Daniel’s Dojo (Despite Season 5’s Ending)

Surprisingly, Mitch was spotted among Johnny and Daniel’s students. Though he’s been a member of Eagle Fang Karate since season 3, his inclusion is noteworthy to say the least, considering that Mitch openly betrayed the dojo in the season 5 finale. Tired of being mocked and treated poorly, Mitch tipped off Kyler and the other Cobra Kai students of the plan to sneak inside the dojo. Because his actions had the potential to result in a resounding defeat for all his friends and prolong Cobra Kai’s superiority in the Valley, there was a sense that Mitch had gone too far and in turn, destroyed the trust of his allies.

While his fellow students are unlikely to forget about what happened altogether, it’s already apparent from the photos that Mitch didn’t burn all his bridges after all. How much he has to work to earn his way back into their good graces remains to be seen, but it can be assumed ahead of season 6 that whatever apology Mitch will give will ultimately be accepted. However, he may still face a hard road to rebuilding the friendships he likely hurt with his betrayal, specifically his bond with Chris.

What Mitch’s Return To The Dojo Reveals About Johnny & Daniel’s Plans

Mitch being welcomed back into Johnny and Daniel’s dojo highlights the approach Johnny and Daniel look to be taking with their dojo. Presumably because of the Sekai Taikai being on the horizon, they’re drastically growing their roster, filling with new students that can boost their strength and their chances of winning. Apparently, this strategy also includes complete forgiveness towards their foes. Johnny’s old Cobra Kai students and Kenny have actively participated in a lot of violence against Johnny and Daniel’s pupils, yet the doors to their dojo have not been closed to them.

From the looks of things, Johnny, Daniel, Chozen will decide to let anyone from Cobra Kai get a chance to right their wrongs. This mindset would be consistent with Daniel’s reasoning about Kreese’s influence on the kids when he took in Chris, Nate, and the others in season 2. With that in mind, it would seem that even though Mitch’s betrayal is likely still fresh in everyone’s memories, he won’t be denied the same courtesy the other characters are set to receive in Cobra Kai season 6.

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