NCIS Fans Just Can’t Seem To Agree On Their Favorite Female Character
It’s easy to tell when an “NCIS” fan started watching the show by who their favorite characters are. Caitlin ‘Kate’ Todd (Sasha Alexander) quickly became a fan favorite for those who watched the show from the beginning. Despite only appearing in a surprising number of episodes, her character had a lasting impact on others, with Gibbs (Mark Harmon) even “seeing” her when he’s shot in Season 9, Episode 14 (“Life Before His Eyes”). Ziva David (Cote de Pablo) also became a favorite for viewers that loved seeing a woman portrayed as fierce and unafraid.
In most polls related to favorite female “NCIS” agents, Ziva almost always comes out not only in first place but way ahead of the other possibilities. In one such Reddit poll, she had 450 votes, while the next closest — Kate — had 110 votes. When fans had the option of choosing between Kate, Ziva, or Ellie Bishop (Emily Wickersham) in a second Reddit poll, 221 fans chose Ziva, while second place again went to Kate at 49. So, Ziva is the overall favorite “NCIS” female, right? Not so fast. When it comes to polls and chatting about fans’ favorites, many passionate opinions stretch beyond Kate and Ziva.
Fans think Ellie Bishop and Abby Sciuto are overlooked
In yet another Reddit poll, led by u/Ncisroleplayer97, the user offered Ziva David, Kate Todd, Jenny Shepard (Lauren Holly), and Jeanne Benoit (Scottie Thompson) as the choices. While it’s not surprising to see Ziva win with 498 votes, what’s interesting is how vocal fans were in the comments for their favorite characters that weren’t available. “Why on earth is Jeanne on this and [Bishop] isn’t?” u/5klm wrote. U/PandasNPenguins chimed in, “No, Abby too! 😱”
While some of the comments supported Ziva as the favorite, many more added names to the poll or focused on the absence of Ellie Bishop and Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette). Many fans were confused about why Jeanne Benoit was even listed, as it is known how divisive “NCIS” fans feel about Jeanne. “I would have put Diane Gibbs-Fornell-Sterling on the list before her, and Bishop, and Col. Mann. and probably a few more that I am forgetting,” commented u/JayMonster65.
While viewers have always had a soft spot for Ziva, the NCIS pairing fans love to see is between her and Tony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly). Regardless of who is the overall favorite, it’s clear “NCIS” fans will always be outspoken about their favorite show.