Good Omens

Good Omens S2 Wasted Every Single Opportunity With Its Best Side Character

More time in Hell would have been nice.

Good Omens season 2 hit the screens at the end of July and caused quite a stir among viewers. In fact, it was quite predictable, as they’ve been waiting for the new season for four years now.

The creators of the show got a pretty mixed reaction from the audience and even the critics. The thing is, the main concern was that the writers of the show didn’t pay much attention to most of the characters that were there.

It’s one thing for the showrunners to cut the cast in half from the first season, but to bring them in and just leave them hanging is a total disaster.

One particular character that fans felt deserved a more thoughtful storyline was actually Beelzebub, brilliantly portrayed by Shelley Conn. Beelzebub is the leader of the forces of Hell, the diabolical equivalent of Jon Hamm’s Gabriel, if you will.

Fans felt there was a lot more potential in her character than the show let us see. Season 2 was actually quite a run for the character, as Beelzebub teamed up with Gabriel to try and save the world from another Armageddon.

But the sweetest thing happened along the way: the two fell in love. It was a twist reserved for the series finale, and it tied in nicely with the romance storyline of the sequel series. Although many fans thought the opposite.

“I felt like the love story between Gabriel and Beelzebub was rushed and shoe-horned in as almost an afterthought. It’s like he tried to retell their entire story in 2 minutes even though it took the whole first season to tell Crowley and Aziraphale’s story,” Redditor Performer-Objective said.

Well, there’s hope that we’ll see more of them when Good Omens (hopefully) returns for season 3, sooner rather than later.

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