Good Omens

Good Omens: What Happened To The Third Baby?

A mix-up at the start of Good Omens means the Antichrist becomes Adam Young instead of Warlock Dowling, but what happened to the third baby?

Good Omens starts with Crowley attempting to pass the antichrist off as a diplomat’s son, but there is a mix-up with a third baby whose fate has not yet been revealed. Adapted from the book of the same name, Good Omens follows the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley as they slowly become friends during their time on Earth. Unfortunately, Crowley executed a plan for the demons to swap out an American Diplomat’s son with the Antichrist who will cause Earth’s demise. After another young couple ends up having their child at the same time and hospital as the child-swap, a mix-up occurs with the three babies.

Season 1 of Good Omens followed the Antichrist, Adam Young, and the supposed Antichrist, Warlock Dowling, as they grew up separately, and saw the eventual realization that the two children had been swapped. Crowley and Aziraphale realized the mix-up and attempted to stop the Earth’s apocalypse by finding Adam at the end of Good Omens season 1. The hospital in which the babies were born was quickly destroyed, leaving the whereabouts of baby number three unknown. This baby is the real son of the American Diplomat and his wife, as the Antichrist was given to the Youngs, and the Youngs’ baby was given to the American Diplomat.

The Good Omens Book Suggests The Third Baby Became Greasy Johnson

According to the Good Omens novel, the third baby did not stray too far from the hospital. The book implies this child became Greasy Johnson, the leader of Adam Young’s rival gang in Tadfield. Greasy was adopted as he was unable to grow up with his birth parents due to the Antichrist-baby mix-up, and he became a large, clumsy boy. However, he turns out to be quite the bully as he views that as being better than a “big clumsy oaf.” The confirmation of Greasy being the third baby is brief, but his identity is confirmed in both the show and the book through his interest in tropical fish.

The book reveals that Greasy Johnson is the third baby at the very end, but it is known that he collects tropical fish, and even wins awards for them. The Good Omens show gives a slight nod to this in season 1 by giving a hypothetical situation that the third baby was adopted by a nice couple, and grows up to win awards for his tropical fish. Although Greasy is not included in the show, it is a small Easter Egg for those who have read the books and further confirmation that Greasy is definitely the third baby.

Could Good Omens Season 3 Reveal What Happened To The 3rd Baby?

Greasy Johnson is a key character in the Good Omens book, and his rivalry with Adam Young is a metaphor for the rivalry between Heaven and Hell. It represents a childish fight on both parts but also shows that one cannot exist without the other. Although Greasy and his gang, the Johnsonites, would have been a fun addition to the Good Omens show, he was not necessary for the plot. Good Omens focused solely on Aziraphale, Crowley, and Adam, whose personality and journey as the Antichrist were shown without Greasy’s involvement. This means it’s unlikely Greasy will appear in season 3, even if the third baby’s identity is revealed.

Plus, Adam’s story was finished at the end of season 1, and Good Omens season 2 moved onto a different story, with Adam happily living his life in Tadfield. Good Omens could definitely reveal what happened to the third baby, and even name him as Greasy Johnson, but it would not be a huge plot reveal or an important storyline. The three-baby storyline is finished, and the hypothetical situation of the third baby’s life is what should be taken as fact. The show does not need to revisit the third baby storyline, and it is unlikely to be one of the questions finally answered in season 3 of Good Omens.

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