Here’s Why Grey’s Anatomy Owen Hunt Could Never Make Women Stay

A little more respect would go a long way.
If there is one character that the majority of the fandom agrees is absolutely insufferable, it is Owen Hunt. A former army surgeon with a troubled past, brilliantly portrayed by Kevin McKidd, he could have easily been the show’s next big heartthrob after McDreamy’s departure.
However, fans are convinced that nothing can make him any more attractive or desirable at this point.
Hunt’s personal life is one disaster after another, and no woman seems willing to stay with him. There’s a good reason for this: he doesn’t take women seriously. If anything, he sees them as a tool to get the dream image of a happy family with children out of his head and into real life.
His relationship with Cristina Yang must have been the first telltale sign. Even though Cristina was pretty open about not wanting to have kids, Owen seemed to ignore everything she said in order to continue feeding his own delusions. No wonder the relationship didn’t work out.
Another example would be Amelia, who, although she stated that she wanted a family of up to 5 children in the future, never mentioned when exactly she saw that happening.
As if losing a child to miscarriage wasn’t enough trouble, Owen decided to make it all about him and basically blame his significant other for not grieving the way he needed her to.
It is understandable for someone with such severe PTSD to sometimes feel out of control with their emotions, but Owen Hunt continues to prove himself incapable of considering other people’s feelings. No matter how much love he receives or how long the healing takes, he doesn’t seem to change his ways.
Being so selfish and so focused on what he wants and needs and minimizing the women around him to the walking, talking incubators definitely doesn’t help in getting a stable relationship.
At this point, no Grey’s Anatomy fan wants to see a happy ending for Owen Hunt. Just an ending would be more than enough.