Better Call Saul

I Rewatched Breaking Bad, And My Feelings About Skyler White Have Changed Dramatically

Justice (kinda) for Skyler White.

Okay…listen. I actually don’t think Skyler White is the villain you all think she is in Breaking Bad.

I wasn’t the person who was watching Breaking Bad as it was airing. It first came out in 2008, and since I was in the fifth grade, I’m pretty sure my parents would have crucified me if they knew I was watching a show about drugs back then. But of course, college came around, and I decided to binge-watch it.

Hands down, this is one of the best shows to binge-watch on Netflix, even if it hails originally from AMC. The Breaking Bad cast delivers some of the best acting ever on television, and the story is unlike any other. There are still so many Breaking Bad moments that blow my mind now on any rewatch.

But, do you want to know what I started to realize as I rewatched it? That Skyler White really isn’t as horrible as everyone says she is. Maybe I just needed to grow up to understand her truly, but here we are – talking about it, and I’m going to convince you why she’s really not the villain of the show, as much as everyone believes she is.

Let Me Start Off By Saying I Used To Despise Skylar

Let’s get one thing straight — I did not always think like this. In fact, when I first watched this show, I hated Skyler, like most people.

Granted, I was eighteen at the time and sort of a newbie to how the world worked, and I was literally learning how to cook actual food from cooking channels on YouTube. I didn’t really have a right to say how much I hated someone on a TV show that dealt with such adult themes when I was barely an adult myself.

But, even on my second rewatch at twenty and my third at twenty-two, I found myself still not digging into who Skyler was as a person. I always thought that it was so selfish of her to do what she did after she found out what Walt was doing to provide for them. I couldn’t believe that she slept with Ted when Walt was literally risking his life to make sure they were provided for.

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