Power Book

I’m Worried About Power Book IV: Force’s Ending After New Spinoff Announcement

After the announcement of a new Power spinoff, Power Book IV: Force is officially coming to an end, and I’m worried about its conclusion. Starz revealed a new spinoff titled Power Book V: Origins is in the works which will focus on Ghost and Tommy’s backstory before the main series. Although some of their history was touched on in the main series and the prequel show, Raising Kanan, the franchise clearly feels there is more to tell with this story, and while I am excited about this new spinoff, Power Book IV: Force’s cancelation has me worried about its ending.

The franchise has confirmed that Power Book IV: Force season 3 will be the final installment of the spinoff, and as such, Tommy’s solo outing will come to an end. After receiving strong reviews and featuring a strong storyline, it felt like this could have continued to be a big show for Starz; however, the network decided to cancel it alongside Book II: Ghost in favor of their new show. This seems like it is largely down to financial reasons, but it also indicates that Power is going in a new direction, making me anxious about how Force will end.

Power Book V: Origins Has Me Worried That Tommy Will Die In Force’s Final Season

With a new spinoff set to replace both Force and Ghost, I can’t help but fear the idea of Power killing off Tommy in his show’s final season. Force hasn’t been afraid to kill some of the show’s central characters, but Tommy’s fate has never looked in any real jeopardy throughout the spinoff despite his growing list of enemies. His crafty street skills as well as his importance to the franchise have made him near bulletproof, but with the arrival of Origins, this could all be about to change, and I’m severely worried.

Tommy is by far one of the Power franchise’s best characters, hence why he got his own spinoff in the first place. Despite his flaws, he has built a great connection with the audience, yet he could be the next major player to be killed off. With Origins set to explore his relationship with Ghost before the main show, both characters being dead in the present timeline would add a unique tone to the spinoff. Knowing they each headed down tragic paths would provide a gloomier feeling to Origins, especially during any happier and upbeat moments.

This would make Tommy and Ghost’s story in Origins more emotional, and with the franchise potentially moving away from these characters, it could be Starz’s way of giving them both a definitive sendoff. Therefore, it’s possible Tommy finally meets his maker in Force’s finale, but I’m not ready for this. His departure would easily be one of the most shocking deaths in the Power universe, but given everything he has been through and how important he is to the franchise, I still think killing him would be a mistake, even if it provides more emotion to the new spinoff.

Tommy’s Death Would Ruin His Perfect Power Ending

Although killing Tommy in Force’s final season would be a shocking moment, it would ruin his perfect Power ending. Despite the characters having some major differences, Tommy’s Power conclusion somewhat mirrors Jessie’s Breaking Bad ending which is often viewed as the perfect sendoff. Both characters were flawed, yet had redeeming qualities that made them fan favorites, and while Tommy was arguably less worthy of a good ending than Jessie, they each got to escape and start a new life. In addition, the protagonists of both shows were killed, elevating Tommy and Jessie’s importance in the process.

While Power season 6’s ending offered a mostly unsatisfying finale for fans, Tommy’s fate was the biggest positive, and killing him would completely undo that. By surviving Power, Tommy became arguably the franchise’s most important character, and while Force threw him back into the drug game, he was at least presented as a far stronger character. Tommy is much more independent and strategic in Force, and while he still has the same reckless personality as he did in Power, he is capable of running his own supply lines and being a legitimate threat to his competitors.

Killing Tommy would leave a massive hole in the Power universe, and I’m not sure fans would forgive the franchise, especially after the reaction to Ghost’s death.

Unlike Jessie, Tommy never wanted to escape into a more peaceful life, and his success in Force has added to his Power ending, rather than hurt it. However, opting to kill him off would ruin his main show sendoff. Tommy’s death would make his escape to Chicago completely redundant and mean all of Ghost’s crew are now dead, giving fans very little reason to stick around. Therefore, killing Tommy would leave a massive hole in the Power universe, and I’m not sure fans would forgive the franchise, especially after the reaction to Ghost’s death.

Why Keeping Tommy Alive For Origins Is The Right Move

Keeping Tommy alive is the best move for the Power universe going forward. Although killing him could add to the emotion of Origins, having Tommy still be alive could be just as powerful. Watching him slowly becoming friends with Ghost and learning from him would bring back some nostalgia while acting as a harsh reminder that Tommy has moved on from Ghost. It would provide extra context for Tommy’s character and help show how he became the protagonist we know and love while also leaving the door open to his potential return in the future.

Considering Power has already made it near impossible for Omari Hardwick to return as Ghost, killing off Tommy would cause the same dilemma. Having two of the most recognizable characters gone for good would destroy any chance of original viewers returning and would only make the franchise less popular. I understand why Power wants to go in a new direction, but removing any chance of Tommy returning seems detrimental to the franchise’s future. Instead, keeping Tommy alive would make people more invested in Origins, whereas killing him may turn people away from Power permanently.


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