The Rings Of Power

The Rings Of Power Season 2’s Confirmed Sauron Twist Makes Me Even More Excited About Celebrimbor’s Story

I don’t know what The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 has in store for Sauron and Celebrimbor, but I’m glad that it probably won’t be as simple as I thought. I know that season 2 will explain Sauron’s identity, focusing on his origins and introducing his new Annatar disguise, plus more Rings of Power. Celebrimbor will be the subject of Sauron’s deceit, as he is essential to forging more rings. Showrunners confirmed all this to Total Film in a print feature, but it looks like Sauron’s deception will also follow other threads from Tolkien’s work.

As a lifelong J.R.R. Tolkien fan, I did follow the show, despite its numerous reimaginings of Tolkien’s world. And I wasn’t displeased to learn that Celebrimbor will be “arguably the principal protagonist” of season 2, despite Galadriel occupying this place in season 1. I think this falls in line with the show’s original premise of telling the story of the Rings of Power. But watching Sauron actor Charlie Vickers in his new “fair form” disguise in the season 2 trailer, I couldn’t see how Celebrimbor would see past it. Recent news suggested a Tolkienian twist that I like.

Celebrimbor Will Deal With Both Halbrand And Annatar In Season 2

In a Collider exclusive, showrunners revealed an image of Sauron talking to Celebrimbor as Halbrand, and another of him talking to Celebrimbor in his new disguise. I didn’t hate the mystery box writing that culminated in Galadriel exposing Halbrand as Sauron in The Rings of Power season 1 finale, but after seeing Sauron’s new disguise in the season 2 trailer, I wondered how the show would use the same actor to deceive the same characters in season 2. Sauron manipulating Celebrimbor as both Halbrand and Annatar is an exciting twist as it could address this question by adapting Unfinished Tales:

Before long, Sauron had the Gwaith-i-Mírdain under his influence… So great became his hold on the Mírdain that at length he persuaded them to revolt against Galadriel… and to seize power in Eregion… Galadriel thereupon left Eregion… Now Celebrimbor was not corrupted in heart or faith, but had accepted Sauron as what he posed to be…

Celebrimbor was “greatest in skill” among “the craftsmen of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain… the Jewel-smiths” of Eregion, and this description of his relationship with Sauron in Tolkien’s Second Age points to the Elves’ mistrust of Galadriel. Semi-canonical, as Tolkien never published it in his lifetime, this story gets at what The Rings of Power season 1 was implying – Galadriel’s community mistrusts her, and Sauron could exploit that and poison them against her. I wouldn’t mind if Unfinished Tales informed the show – Sauron may happily risk returning as Halbrand if the Elves don’t believe Galadriel’s warnings about him.

Sauron May Pass Off His Shapeshifting To Celebrimbor As Divine Power

With Galadriel’s warnings about Halbrand falling on deaf ears, Sauron may not have to fool the Elves or Celebrimbor into thinking that Halbrand and Annatar are different people, and may admit his natural shapeshifting abilities as a Godlike Ainur. In Tolkien’s books, Sauron was the same race as Gandalf and the Valar, the Gods that ruled under the highest power, Eru Illuvatar. In Tolkien’s lore, Annatar was posing as an “emissary of the Valar” in Eregion while he deceived Celebrimbor and I think this could mean he was open about his “Valarin” race.

While Annatar could have just been posing as a messenger of the Valar, rather than one of their race, other descriptions supported the idea of him being open about his race so that he could use his powers to impress and intimidate. Tolkien described Annatar with a scary light in his eyes, which matches the blinding light that approaches Celebrimbor in the season 2 trailer and is suggested by Empire photos to be Annatar. I’d appreciate this nod to Tolkien. If Annatar does admit that he can shapeshift, I imagine he will do so to Celebrimbor alone, making him feel privileged.

Elves May Not See That Halbrand And Annatar Are The Same Person

The twist of Sauron returning to season 2 in both his Halbrand and Annatar forms also makes me excited about other possible Celebrimbor season 2 storylines – Sauron may be driving Celebrimbor so mad that he can’t tell the difference between the two forms. This was suggested by showrunners to Total Film – they confirmed that Celebrimbor will face a “descent into madness” in season 2, driven by Sauron’s “temptation, manipulation, and corruption.” Sauron and Celebrimbor’s relationship will become “arguably the central relationship of the season.”

I would enjoy Sauron’s “fair form” in Rings of Power season 2 having supernatural elements that nodded to Tolkien’s Valar and Sauron’s Ainur heritage, but I don’t think this necessarily means that he will admit his Ainur race and shapeshifting abilities to Celebrimbor. Halbrand could confess to Celebrimbor in confidence that he is also Annatar, or vice versa, and using his new Elven-looking appearance to honor the Elves. However, judging from Sauron’s invasion of Galadriel’s mind in season 1, his mind control power is more than enough to distort Celebrimbor’s perception.

In The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2, Sauron could gradually poison Celebrimbor and the rest of the Elves against Galadriel, muting her warnings, whilst eroding the Elves’ mental clarity. Sauron’s power over the Elves could mean that they can’t tell the difference between Halbrand and Annatar. Sauron would be focusing his efforts on driving Celebrimbor mad, so he can get the one Elf he really needs on his side subdued and creating more Rings of Power with him.

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