Gilmore Girls

Why Gilmore Girls’ Paris Is Rory’s TRUE Best Friend

Lane Kim is set up as Rory Gilmore’s childhood best friend in Gilmore Girls, but it is actually Paris Geller eho ends up fulfilling that role.

Gilmore Girls initially introduces Lane Kim as Rory Gilmore’s best friend, but in reality, Paris Geller is Rory’s true best friend. In Gilmore Girls, Rory’s childhood best friend is Lane, whom she met in kindergarten and with whom she was inseparable. They both grew up in the small fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, and attend the same dance lessons, diners, and schools until Rory transfers to Chilton, a private secular college prep academy, in the middle of their sophomore year. Lane remains at Stars Hollow High through her graduation.

At Chilton, Rory encounters her rival-turned-friend Paris Geller. The start of their friendship is quite different from Rory’s relationship with Lane. Paris, who is at the top of the sophomore class, maintains her status with ease until she meets Rory. In Gilmore Girls season one, Paris launches a campaign to isolate, tease, and bully Rory. However, Paris soon comes to admire Rory’s drive and respects her intelligence and work ethic. Meanwhile, Rory appreciates being in an environment that challenges her and is glad to have classmates like Paris, who are her intellectual equals. This highlights the comparative depth of Rory and Paris’ friendship.

Paris Was Rory’s Real Best Friend In Gilmore Girls

Upon arriving at Chilton, Rory’s best friend becomes Paris Geller, despite their rocky start. Paris is a high-strung and anxious person who often assumes the worst in people, including Rory. This leads to some epic grudge matches throughout Gilmore Girls’ seven seasons, but Paris quickly forgives or drops her baseless grudges against Rory. She rarely apologizes or admits fault except to Rory. This may be because sometimes Rory denounces Paris for being entitled and spoiled, forcing Paris to take stock of her own behavior. Paris respects Rory because she is one of the few who is not afraid of her, making their friendship even stronger.

Paris has Rory’s back through thick and thin, inviting her to be part of her three-woman clique at Chilton, though Rory is frozen out when she and Paris have a falling out. They support each other through confusing crushes and family issues, pushing each other to excel and not get sidetracked by interpersonal dramas. Paris struggles when she doesn’t get into Harvard, where most of her family has attended. However, Paris decides to follow Rory to Yale in Gilmore Girls season 5 and even pulls strings to room with Rory. While Rory and Lane are close, their relationship lacks the layers of Paris and Rory’s.

Gilmore Girls Season 7 Proved Paris Was Good For Rory

In Gilmore Girls season 7, Paris proves just how good of a friend she is to Rory. Rory is starting to mentally check out in their senior year at Yale. However, Paris steps in and creates a work schedule for the last half of the semester, which she calls Operation Finish Line. She pushes Rory to apply for fellowships, grad schools, and newspapers and then pushes her to follow up on them. Together, they both finish strong. Paris goes on to medical school. In a perfect Gilmore Girls ending for her, Rory follows the then-unheard-of Barack Obama in his primary campaign in 2007.

Throughout high school and college, Rory also maintains ties to Lane, but their paths diverge. Lane pursues her passion for music and joins a band as a drummer. She eventually marries, has twins, and shifts her focus to family. Lane asks Rory to be godmother to her children, and they stay in touch but are never as close as they once were. Ultimately, their lives take different trajectories towards the end of Gilmore Girls. Despite not always being the most tactful, Paris always tells Rory the truth, even when she doesn’t want to hear it. That kind of honesty makes Paris the best kind of friend anyone could have.


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