5 Most Absurd Supernatural Fan Theories We Still Want to Believe

You won’t believe how Supernatural and The Walking Dead might be linked.
When we are talking about fan theories, most of the time it’s something really wild and extraordinary, especially with shows like Supernatural. If you are a fan of this great TV series, be careful, because some of these theories might seriously make you cringe.
John Winchester is Negan?
We all know Jeffrey Dean Morgan played our beloved John Winchester, the father of the Winchester boys. But he also starred as Negan, the baddie in The Walking Dead.
This theory began when Lucille, Negan’s favorite weapon, made a cameo in Supernatural. Some fans believe that Supernatural and The Walking Dead are in the same universe, suggesting John either turned into Negan after escaping Hell or was thrown into a different timeline.
Sabriel: More than Meets the Eye?
The Supernatural fandom has some…let’s say, “imaginative” ships. One that stands out is Sabriel, which stands for Sam and the mischievous archangel, Gabriel. Supporters of this ship note Gabriel’s flirty demeanor and his keenness to help Sam. Whether it’s genuine romance or just playful banter, this theory definitely spices things up.
Bella, the Secret Woman of Letters
Remember Bella, the British supernatural thief? Well, some eagle-eyed fans connected the dots between her and the Men of Letters, particularly the British chapter.
Considering the MoL’s obsession with supernatural objects, it’s plausible that Bella was secretly working for them. Far-fetched? Maybe. Entertaining? Absolutely.
The Amelia Dream Sequence
Many fans remember Amelia Richardson as Sam’s major love interest after Jessica. But a number of fans believe she was a figment of Sam’s imagination.
The clues include their over-the-top similarities, their coincidental meeting at a motel, and the strangely lit dreamlike sequences between them. Some say Sam just had a meltdown after Dean’s disappearance and imagined the whole thing.
600 Years of Bad Luck
The Winchesters, for all their heroics, can’t catch a break. In season 1, during the Bloody Mary episode, they smashed a TON of mirrors. Dean’s joke about 600 years of bad luck might not be just a joke.
Given how superstitious the Supernatural world is, maybe their terrible luck is all down to those broken mirrors.