Burning Questions We Still Have After the ‘Blue Bloods’ Season 14 Finale: Danny and Baez and More

Blue Bloods wrapped its 14th and final season in December 2024, but we have to admit we still have some lingering questions about the characters after the show ended.
In the series finale, Luis Badillo was shot and killed by an assailant, leaving the rest of the characters seeking vengeance for his murder. Ultimately, Frank Reagan and company were able to take down the leader of a gang and lay Badillo to rest.
They wrapped things up with one final family dinner where two characters dropped a major bombshell.
Is Maria Baez ‘The One’ for Danny Reagan?
In the show’s finale, fans were hoping to see Danny Reagan and Maria Baez take their relationship to the next level. Instead, we only got a little teaser that they might have continued their romance offcamera. Danny asked Maria out for pizza toward the end of the episode. However, fans were disappointed that Baez was not at the final Reagan family dinner.
“Honestly, it didn’t really come to the forefront,” showrunner Kevin Wade told Deadline in an interview published on December 13. “Because at the end of their last scene together, there was a hint of a whiff of a promise that they were going to leave that squad and go off to dinner and end up at one or the other’s house, yes. But it felt like a big leap, with only two minutes left, after 14 years, to introduce them like that at the dinner.”
Still, many were a bit disappointed by the outcome and wonder if a relationship would have developed on screen if the characters had more time to explore things.
Are Eddie Janko-Reagan and Jamie Reagan Staying Put in NYC?
At the final Reagan family dinner, Eddie Janko-Reagan and Jamie Reagan announced that they were expecting their first child. The family was elated to celebrate their baby news. But fans might remember Eddie raised questions about starting a family and whether New York City was the right place to do it. We wonder how having a baby would impact their careers. Would they decide to move to the suburbs? Would either of them leave the NYPD to be a stay-at-home parent?
Is Frank Reagan Ever Going to Retire?
Frank was still actively serving as the New York City Police Commissioner in the Blue Bloods series finale. But, through the seasons, many have wondered if Jamie would take over his position at some point. The theories never came to fruition, but we can’t help but wonder if Frank would decide to give up his post to make way for a new commissioner or stay in the job for as long as possible.
What Was the Family’s Reaction to Erin Reagan’s Marriage News?
Erin Reagan got back together with ex-husband Jack Boyle and they decided to get married again. However, at the final family dinner, the pair opted not to tell the family about their marriage news. Considering the Reagans have had a lot of ups and downs and strong opinions over the years, it would have been neat to see how they reacted to such a shocking announcement. Instead, we’re left wondering.
What’s Next for Joe Hill?
It seemed like Joe Hill didn’t get a ton of air time in the series finale, aside from a couple of chats with Jamie. He was, however, at the final family dinner, signaling that the Reagans finally accepted him as a member of the family. But he was noticeably missing from the penultimate episode of season 14, which threw viewers off. After several seasons of character development, we wish we got to see a bit more of him and the Reagans on happy terms.