HoTD’s Most Hated Character Would’ve Made The Best Match For Rhaenyra

Perhaps, just anyone would be better than Ser Laenor.
If there was one moment that could have easily changed the course of events in the House of the Dragon series for House Targaryen, it would have to be the wedding of Princess Rhaenyra. Of course, in hindsight, it’s easy to see how wrong Viserys’ decision to marry his daughter to Velaryon’s son Laenor was.
But even from the king’s position at the time, it was easy to foresee at least some of the consequences.
Opinions vary as to who Rhaenyra should have married to support her claim to the throne, but most tend to believe that keeping it in the family, Targaryen-style, would be the best choice. Whether she marries Daemon and is happy in the marriage, or Aegon II and is as unhappy as he was with Laenor, at least they would produce pure-blood heirs.
There was another option that many believe would be even more politically correct, though even more emotionally devastating to Rhaenyra herself: Ser Jason Lannister. Utterly annoying and self-centered, he would secure the crown’s positions in southern Westeros and make a great party of the ruling queen Rhaenyra hoped to become.
Moreover, the arrogance and pride that both Jason and Rhaenyra shared in one form or another could only have helped them establish an image of true royalty. Rhaenyra alone couldn’t transform herself from Realm’s Delight to Trueborn Queen in the eyes of the commoners, but with Jason’s involvement, things could have been different.
Had Viserys not been so easily manipulated and frightened by the thought of war, he would not have called Corlys’ bluff about an alliance with the Free Cities. While Viserys’ need to secure the Velaryons and their fleet at his side was understandable, giving away Rhaenyra as a prize was a very short-sighted move that cost her many problems in the future.
However, the events of the first season of House of The Dragon can’t be changed, so fans can only speculate about what’s to come. Stay tuned for all the latest news and behind-the-scenes updates on Season 2!