
Is Owen Leaving Station 126? 9-1-1: Lone Star Showrunner Responds

With only three episodes left in its run, 9-1-1: Lone Star returns to FOX on January 20 at 8 p.m. ET. Season 5, episode 9, titled “Fall From Grace,” closes an ongoing story by revealing Chief Bridges as Gabriel’s killer and presents a new one when Owen receives an offer from the New York Fire Department. However, after realizing that Judd is in a much darker place than he’s let on, Captain Strand decides to stay put.

When speaking with ScreenRant about 9-1-1: Lone Star’s fall finale, co-showrunner and executive producer, Rashad Raisani, teases that fans will have to wait and see where Rob Lowe’s character ends up. However, he confirms that Judd’s crisis is now the present danger, and Owen is serious about passing up the opportunity to prioritize his former lieutenant. Read Raisani’s full quote below:

ScreenRant: Owen decided not to take the job in New York. Is that officially off the table or could that be further explored before the show ends?

Rashad Raisani: To some extent, you’ll just have to wait and see. But on the other, in Owen’s mind, he only came to Texas because his son was in crisis and this firehouse, the 126, was in crisis because all these firefighters had just died tragically in this explosion. And as Owen looks around, at the beginning, for the first half of Episode 9, what he’s having to come to grips with is, “Look, nobody else is in crisis here. TK is thriving. My firehouse is thriving.”

And he sees that there is some suffering happening in New York. His old guys whose kids are now in a bit of a crisis moment with some of the malaise that’s hit the New York Fire Department. But when Owen sees that Judd is in crisis, I think all bets are off with everything else. That is the clear and present danger for him, and he’s not thinking about New York. He gives it up. I mean, when he says no, he’s saying no. And so he’s here for Judd.

Why Judd Needs Owen’s Support In 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5

From the moment he heard her voice on a prayer hotline, Grace has been Judd’s north star. She inspired him to earn the forgiveness of Cal’s mother, which, in turn, allowed him to forgive himself and move forward. Since Grace left Austin to volunteer with Mercy Ships, Judd has appeared to be taking her absence well. Between raising their toddler and returning to the 126 full-time, he managed to hold down the fort with few complications.

However, “Fall From Grace” is soon revealed to have a double meaning. The title refers, not only to Campbell’s potential downfall, but the consequences of Grace’s departure. While Judd puts on a brave face throughout 9-1-1: Lone Star season 5, Owen discovers that he has turned to alcohol to cope with her absence. The firefighter is, arguably, at his lowest point since meeting Grace and will need the support of his captain more than ever.

Owen Leaving Austin Is A Plausible Ending For 9-1-1: Lone Star

separate ways. They promise to stay in each other’s lives, but the group dynamic changes to pave the way for new adventures. While the 126 sticking together would be a heartfelt conclusion, sending Owen back to New York would bring the series full circle. The fire captain is called to those who need him most, and if he’s comfortable leaving Austin, he will have accomplished what he set out to do in the pilot episode.

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