SNOW: Here’s What Jon Snow’s GoT Spin-Off Will Be About

With the second spin-off of Game of Thrones well underway, it’s time we finally talk about the plot of the series: what will Jon Snow do there, beyond the Wall?
Considering the immense worldwide popularity of Game of Thrones, we’re genuinely surprised it hasn’t yet spawned at least a few spin-offs, prequels, and sequels: to this date, there’s only House of the Dragon.
It’s a great series and it covers the most interesting House of Westeros — but there are way more events fans want to see!
As Game of Thrones ended, the audience started guessing and speculating what other spin-offs we could see.
For the most part, we can only assume that most ideas were wrong (even though great), but one of the most popular demands is seemingly coming true, after all, as SNOW is bound to join the one-show family of GoT spin-offs.
The series following Jon Snow’s journey beyond the Wall is, indeed, an intriguing prospect, but many fans are struggling to understand what kind of a show could be set entirely in the Far North. Well, we have a couple of speculations, so let’s see whether you share our vision of what story SNOW will try to tell.
Seeing that Jon Snow’s story obviously hinted at some great destiny awaiting him, it’s only fair to assume that in SNOW, we’ll see him follow its lead.
Accompanied by his fellow wildlings, Jon could, for one, assume the mantle of the King of the Free Folk for himself and continue Mance Rayder’s unification attempts.
Alternatively, Jon and his crew could venture further north than anyone has ever been and see what’s hidden behind the endless snowy scenery.
Perhaps, he would find the rumored pass between Westeros and Essos that’s supposedly located on the Furthest North Imaginable…or find some other threats worse than the Walkers.
And of course, we can’t forget about his Targaryen legacy. While calling Kit Harrington’s character Jon is something we’re all way more accustomed to, in reality, he’s Aegon Targaryen, the true heir to the Iron Throne.
While he definitely won’t try to overthrow Bran the Broken, he might otherwise explore his forgotten legacy.
Either way, we can’t wait for Kit Harrington to assume the role of Jon Snow once again, regardless of what exactly he will be doing beyond the Wall.