The Rings Of Power

The Rings Of Power Season 2’s Sauron Story Can Finally Solve A One Ring Mystery 70 Years Later

The Lord of the Rings books left much unsaid about Sauron’s connection to his One Ring, but Rings of Power can explain how its forging really worked.

The Lord of the Rings books and movies left much unsaid about the connection between Sauron and his One Ring, but The Rings of Power season 2 can change this. Season 1 saw the identity of the Dark Lord revealed and the creation of the Three Elven Rings, implying that the remaining Rings of Power will be coming soon. Then, with Mount Doom erupted, it’s only a matter of time before Sauron begins to craft his One Ring to rule them all. This moment was never described from a first-hand perspective, so The Rings of Power can better show how this process affected Sauron.

The Lord of the Rings explained how Sauron used the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor to forge his One Ring, and audiences saw time and time again how the weapon affected those who held it. The Ring was described as sentient, possessing something of Sauron’s own mind and evil. At the same time, it seemed to be something of a loyal pet to Sauron, always working to make its way back to the Dark Lord through any means necessary. Still, readers and audiences never learned precisely how this connection worked or how it affected Sauron. Since The Rings of Power has dived deeper into the titular Rings, season 2 will likely provide more answers.

Rings Of Power Can Explore Sauron’s One Ring Connection In Season 2

The One Ring in The Lord of the Rings has a subtle influence over the other Rings of Power, slowly turning them to its will along with their bearers. It had a similar effect on any who possessed it throughout its time in Middle-earth. Isildur was betrayed by the One Ring, Gollum was tortured and twisted for centuries, and even Bilbo and Frodo struggled to fight its corruption in Lord of the Rings. This is often seen to be an extension of Sauron’s influence. Still, it’s never clear how this connection worked. How was the Dark Lord’s will encapsulated within the Ring? Did the weapon corrupt others simply to return to Sauron, or would its true master also feel the effects of its negative influences?

So far, The Rings of Power has taken a more detailed approach to the titular rings. The purpose for the Three Elven Rings was shifted from that of the books to not only hold off Sauron’s evil (though Galadriel’s the only one who knows of this at the end of season 1) but to save the Elven race. The use of mithril and even the need for circular rings as opposed to other items or articles was given significance. So, it’s assumed that the Prime Video series will provide just as much, if not more, attention to the remaining Rings of Power and the One Ring. Moreover, audiences know Sauron as they never have before, so Rings of Power will likely dive into his reasoning, motivations, and methods as the series continues.

Will Sauron Actually Forge The One Ring In Rings Of Power Season 2?

The Rings of Power has taken a different order to the rings’ creation, and as of the end of season 1, the Three Elven Rings are the only ones completed. Still, the One Ring to rule them all was center stage in The Lord of the Rings, and with the Prime Video series exploring Sauron’s character deeper than ever before, it could be beneficial to have him create his weapon sooner rather than later. It would leave plenty of time to understand the One Ring on a different level and observe how its mysterious connection with Sauron changes the character. With The Rings of Power’s timeline entirely unique from canon, it’s hard to say, but hopefully, season 2 will see the One Ring forged.

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