The Witcher Showrunner Finally Explains The Vilgefortz Season 1 Plot Hole

The Witcher season 1 raised one big question fans have been dying to know about Vilgefortz, and the showrunner has finally answered them.
The Witcher fans are never shy about questioning the series’ content, but finally, the Vilgefortz (Mahesh Jadu) question has been answered thanks to the Netflix show’s showrunner.
As most book fans know, The Witcher tends to stray from the source material. Even sacrosanct dynamics, such as the love between Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) and Ciri (Freya Allan), were different if season 2 is any indication. Vilgefortz’s status is also on that list. A huge villain from the books, fans were baffled by one scene during The Witcher season 1 ending that went against everything they knew about the character. During the conflict surrounding Sodden Hill, Vilgefortz faces off with Emhyr’s (Bart Edwards) prime soldier, Cahir (Eamon Farren). The two battle it out, with Vilgefortz using impressive magic to combat the human. However, Cahir bests him and gets away.
This skirmish contradicts the Vilgefortz that people know from the fantasy series. Arguably the most formidable mage on the Continent, he was so powerful that he even took Geralt of Rivia to task. But with the conclusion of The Witcher season 3, fans get the answers they deserve. As reported by Redaninan Intelligence, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich gave specifics on why the sorcerer was so weak. “One of the things we got questioned the most about in Season 1 is in Episode 8 when Vilgefortz and Cahir are fighting, and we actually see Cahir very handily defeat Vilgefortz, and fans were in uproar. ‘Vilgefortz is the most powerful mage, there is no way, he could kill Cahir by just looking at him,'” Hissrich recalled in The Witcher Netflix documentary. “There’s a great moment, Vilgefortz explains this season that the hardest thing for him about this long game is that he had to hide his skills. When we see his power demonstrated for the first time, it is against Geralt.”
Like in the books, The Witcher season 3 vol. 2 features an epic battle between Geralt (Henry Cavill) and Vilgefortz. The character’s villainy was finally revealed, as was his plot to take Ciri. The entire time, the mage had aligned himself with Nilfgaard. His duplicity was so thorough that even Tissaia (MyAnna Buring) was unaware of his true allegiance. Consumed with the betrayal, Tissaia couldn’t get past it and took her own life. This loss only further underscored what a powerful mage Vilgefortz is. There are still many questions about the mage’s motives, but he does imply that he has been lying for a long time. No love or humanity could breach his black heart. Losing on purpose only scratches the surface of what the villain is capable of. And with him being Nilfgaard’s ally, all the more reason he should take the fall for one of their elite soldiers.
This is one situation where the fans may have to take what they can get. It may be easy to mock the series for its confusing timeline, separating the found family, or even making Triss Merigold unrecognizable. But fans can’t say that they haven’t done Vilgefortz justice. The sorcerer showed incredible depth to his power by beating Geralt and his mercilessness by abducting elven mages at Aretuza. The Witcher season 4 may not be an easy watch with the casting change and the looming question of whether Liam Hemsworth’s Geralt will kill Vilgefortz. But at the very least, viewers can appreciate the Netflix series adapting Time of Contempt.