Good Omens

Why Good Omens Season 2 Had To Show Aziraphale & Crowley Kiss Explained by Neil Gaiman

Good Omens creator Neil Gaiman explains why season 2 had to show Aziraphale and Crowley kiss and what that emotional moment does for the show.

Neil Gaiman explains why Good Omens season 2 had to show Aziraphale and Crowley kiss. The Prime Video show explores the relationship between their characters, an angel and demon living as representatives on Earth. The latest stretch of episodes followed Gabriel’s (Jon Hamm) sudden arrival and the decision of Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and Crowley (David Tennant) to keep both Heaven and Hell in the dark. They also appeared to solidify their romantic feelings for each other, and audiences got to see them kiss during the season 2 season finale.

Although he previously touched on Aziraphale and Crowley’s love, revealing that a kiss was not necessary, Gaiman took to Tumblr to explain why season 2 featured that moment. Responding to a viewer’s question about its inclusion, he shared that “the story would have been different” if it never occurred. Read Gaiman’s comments regarding Aziraphale and Crowley’s kiss below:

“Because nobody could argue with the kiss having happened. It definitely happened and we are now in a world in which it happened.

If it hadn’t happened the story would have been different and it would have affected people watching it differently.”

Aziraphale & Crowley’s Relationship In Good Omens Explained

The kiss may have further established their romance, but earlier episodes of Good Omens suggested that Aziraphale and Crowley developed a strong relationship over time. They came a long way from their initial meeting, with the show revealing just how close the two had really grown, and how much they had gotten to know each other. As highly anticipated as it was though, that moment in the Good Omens season 2 finale was the result of some bad news, which ultimately led to Aziraphale and Crowley going separate ways.

When he discovered that Aziraphale had plans to return to Heaven, Crowley finally decided to express his feelings. He tried to convince the angel that they should remain on Earth together, but an emotional goodbye ensued after their kiss. Following the season 2 conclusion, Sheen discussed Aziraphale and Crowley’s big scene and noted how unique their connection is, given their contrasting natures.

It’s interesting to hear Gaiman’s comments about the Aziraphale and Crowley kiss, and why he decided to show it. Considering how these characters have developed over the course of two seasons, it’s also worth wondering how that will come into play later on. When Good Omens returns for season 3, the pair could officially end up together, but they will have to reunite first.

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